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What is Kinesio Tape?


What is Kinesio Tape?

During the pandemic working from home has allowed us to exercise more.  Increased activity or doing a new activity like running, walking on the beach or hiking can cause new aches and pains like heel pain or Achilles tendonitis.  One way to treat these overuse injuries is with Kinesio Tape.  Professional athletes use Kinesio tape to treat all kinds of shoulder, hip, knee, foot and ankle injuries.  You may have seen the tape on the US Volleyball Player Kerri Walsh Jennings’ shoulder.   In many cases taping the affected area is a great way to help relieve pain and support the healing of tendonitis and heel pain.

What is Kinesio tape?  Kinesio tape is an elastic therapeutic tape invented by chiropractor Kenzo Kase in the 1970s. The tape was designed to mimic the properties of human skin and can stretch up to 140% of its original length. It is made of non-latex elastic polymer wrapped in cotton and heat-activated acrylic adhesive. KT is also water-resistant, breathable and stays on for several days. This means that you can easily exercise, swim, and shower with it on without worrying about it coming off. The tape works by “lifting” the skin microscopically to increase blood flow and gives support to weak muscles which greatly helps the healing process.

We use Kinesio Tape to treat

·         Plantar fasciitis - heel pain

·         Achilles Tendonitis - pain in the back of the heel

·         Peroneal Tendonitis - pain on the outside of the ankle

·         Pre-dislocation Syndrome - pain in the ball of the foot

·         Ankle Sprains

If you or someone you know has pain in their feet or ankles Dr. Michele Kurlanski is here to help. Call us today at (207) 774-0028 to schedule your next appointment at our location in Scarborough, Maine!

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