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How to Get Immediate Ingrown Toenail Relief


When it comes to improving health, it’s easy to look past your toenails. However, an ingrown toenail can not only be painful- but it can also pose a risk of infection. Ingrown toenails develop for a couple of different reasons. They may be caused by shoes that are too tight, an inherent foot structure, or by dropping something heavy onto your foot. Another common cause is improper nail trimming. When you clip your nails too short or round them off, you increase the likelihood that you might develop an ingrown nail. When a nail grows into the soft skin that surrounds the nail bed, it provides a gateway for bacteria to enter the body and lead to an infection. With this being the case, you need to be extremely careful if you are trimming your nails. 

If you are looking for immediate relief for the toe pain an ingrown toenail can cause, start with soaking the foot in warm water for around 5-10 minutes. After the soak, gently massage your inflamed skin and work it back. Then use a small piece of dental floss or cotton- made wet with an antiseptic- to place under the nail. Keep the toe dry to decrease the risk of infection. Other quick solutions include switching to sandals and using over-the-counter topical medication (but check with us first!). 

If the area around the nail becomes inflamed and painful you may need a partial nail avulsion. The procedure is a simple in-office procedure done under a local anesthetic. Dr. K starts by numbing the toe before removing the small piece of nail that is causing the pain and infection. Next, the toe is bandaged, and the procedure is done! If the condition is chronic we have a more permanent solution that includes treating the offending nail border with a chemical so that portion of the nail does not grow back. 

If you have an inflamed and painful nail, make sure to call us to schedule an appointment. Starting October 1st same-day appointments will be available.

 If you or someone you know has pain in their feet or ankles Dr. Michele Kurlanski is here to help. We can evaluate your feet and make recommendations on how to take care of your toenails! Call us today at (207) 774-0028 to schedule your next appointment at our location in Scarborough, Maine!