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Unveiling the Power of Laser Treatment for Neuromas: A Podiatrist's Perspective

Unveiling the Power of Laser Treatment for Neuromas: A Podiatrist's Perspective

Discover non-invasive relief for neuroma pain! Explore laser therapy's precision, minimal downtime, and reduced inflammation. Unlock a pain-free, active future for your feet!

Beyond Insurance: The Freedom and Flexibility of Direct Pay Podiatric Care

Beyond Insurance: The Freedom and Flexibility of Direct Pay Podiatric Care

Welcome to Lighthouse Foot and Ankle in Scarborough, Maine! I'm Dr. Michele Kurlanski, and I'm excited to share the many advantages of being a direct care, direct pay podiatrist who doesn't participate with insurance. At Lighthouse Foot and Ankle, we prioritize delivering personalized, high-quality care that revolves around your specific needs and goals.

The BEST Treatment for Infected Ingrown Toenails

The BEST Treatment for Infected Ingrown Toenails

Infections from ingrown toenails can lead to severe pain and complications. Discover the BEST treatment from our podiatrist for quick, pain-free relief.