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nail health

The Importance of Obtaining a Nail Sample Before Treating Fungal Nails

The Importance of Obtaining a Nail Sample Before Treating Fungal Nails

Unlock the key to effective treatment for fungal nails! Learn why obtaining a nail sample is crucial for accurate diagnosis and personalized therapeutic success.

The BEST Treatment for Infected Ingrown Toenails

The BEST Treatment for Infected Ingrown Toenails

Infections from ingrown toenails can lead to severe pain and complications. Discover the BEST treatment from our podiatrist for quick, pain-free relief.

What is Disappearing Nail Disease?

What is Disappearing Nail Disease?

Have you noticed your big toenails are discolored and no longer grow to the end of your toes? You may have disappearing nail disease otherwise known as onycholysis. Onycholysis is when a person’s nail detaches and separates from the pink nail bed and skin replaces the nail. Although not a serious health condition by itself, if left untreated the nail may become permanently short and thick.