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Caring for Your Toenails After Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails: A Comprehensive Guide

Caring for Your Toenails After Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to care for your toenails after laser treatment for fungal toenails: hygiene, footwear, antifungals, monitoring, supplements, and follow-ups.

Preventing Plantar Warts: Tips for Keeping Your Feet Healthy and Wart-Free

Preventing Plantar Warts: Tips for Keeping Your Feet Healthy and Wart-Free

Plantar warts, also known as verrucas, are small, noncancerous growths that appear on the soles of the feet. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are highly contagious, making them a common problem for many people.