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Back to School: Evaluating Your Child’s Foot Health for a Strong Start

As the summer sun begins to set, and the aroma of sharpened pencils fills the air, we find ourselves at that exciting juncture in the year – back to school time. It's not only a period of fresh starts and new challenges for children and young adults, but it's also a golden opportunity for parents and caregivers to reassess the foot health of their loved ones. At Lighthouse Foot and Ankle, we understand the importance of proactive foot care in ensuring the overall well-being and success of your child.

Here are some key points to consider as we dive into this back-to-school season:

1. Evaluating Orthotic Needs: Growing bodies means growing feet, and sometimes those orthotics that worked wonders last year might now be too short.  It's crucial to assess whether your child has outgrown their orthotics.  Ill-fitting orthotics can lead to discomfort and even exacerbate foot issues. We will carefully examine your child's feet to determine whether it's time for a new set of orthotics or a transition from over-the-counter (OTC) to prescription orthotics tailored to their unique structure and function.

2. Adhering to Adjunctive Treatments: Remember those stretching exercises and other supplementary treatments recommended during the last visit? Now is the time to check if they have been diligently followed. Properly executed exercises and treatments play a pivotal role in managing foot conditions and preventing their progression.

3. The Right Fit: Shoes Matter: One size does not fit all when it comes to shoes. Ensuring your child wears the correct size and type of shoes is essential to their foot health. Children grow quickly and the shoes that fit them in June may not fit them in September.  Wearing ill-fitting shoes can lead to a range of problems, from blisters and calluses to more severe conditions like bunions. Our team will guide you in selecting appropriate footwear that supports your child's foot structure and promotes healthy growth.

4. Embracing New Activities: Is your child stepping into a new activity or sport this school year? Trying out for a sports team or engaging in different physical activities can impact their foot health. We'll work with you to adjust the treatment plan to accommodate the unique demands of their new pursuits, ensuring they can enjoy these experiences pain-free.

5. College Freshmen Foot Care: Sending a child off to college is a major milestone, and it comes with its own set of challenges. The newfound independence can sometimes lead to neglect of foot health. If your college-bound student has been fitted with orthotics, it might be wise to consider a second pair to keep at school. This way, they can continue to care for their feet even when they're away from home.

6. Monitoring Non-Symptomatic Deformities: Conditions like juvenile Hallux Valgus (commonly known as a bunion) might not cause immediate discomfort but can progress over time. Regular evaluations can help us track any changes and intervene early to prevent unnecessary pain and complications down the road.

At Lighthouse Foot and Ankle Center, we believe in a proactive approach to the treatment of lower extremity conditions in children, adolescents, and young adults. By addressing potential issues early on, we can help prevent future pain and suffering. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care that grows with your child, ensuring their feet are well-equipped to support them through all their endeavors.

As you gear up for the new school year, remember that a healthy foundation starts from the ground up. Let's work together to set your child on a path to success and comfort. Contact us today to schedule your back-to-school foot evaluation – because every step matters!