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Step-by-Step Guide: Breaking in Your New Custom Molded Orthotics

Congratulations on your new custom-molded orthotics! These customized devices are designed to provide optimal support, alignment, and comfort for your feet. As a podiatrist, I understand the importance of a proper break-in process to ensure that your orthotics seamlessly integrate with your feet and footwear. 

Here is our step-by-step guide to properly break in your new custom-molded orthotics, allowing you to reap their full benefits.

Step 1: Wear Them Gradually
Just like any new pair of shoes, it's essential to allow your feet to gradually adapt to your orthotics. Start by wearing them for short periods, an hour or two, on the first day. Increase the duration gradually, 1- 2 hours each day until your feet become accustomed to them. This gradual introduction will minimize any discomfort in not only your feet but your hips and knees as well.

Step 2: Use Proper Footwear
To ensure the most effective break-in process, wear your orthotics in footwear that accommodates their unique shape. Choose shoes with removable insoles or those that provide ample space and depth for the orthotics.  Sneakers or running shoes are the best shoes for orthotics. Avoid tight or narrow shoes that may restrict the movement of your feet or compress the orthotics. 

Step 3: Check for Proper Fit
During the break-in period, pay attention to the fit of your orthotics. They should have good arch contact and not be painful. The orthotics may feel foreign at first but should not feel intrusive. If you experience excessive pressure points, blisters, or discomfort, call us!  Adjustments may be necessary to achieve an optimal fit.

Step 4: Gradually Increase Activity Levels
As your feet become accustomed to the orthotics, gradually increase your activity levels. Start with light activities, such as walking or standing, and slowly progress to more strenuous exercises like running.  Do not exercise in your new orthotics until they are properly broken in. This step-by-step approach will allow your muscles and feet to adapt gradually and prevent strain or discomfort.

Step 5: Monitor for Any Discomfort
During the break-in process, it's crucial to pay attention to your feet.  Look out for blisters or calluses. Mild soreness or discomfort is normal during the initial period, but sharp or prolonged pain should not be ignored. If you notice any persistent discomfort, call us for further evaluation.  Often we can make a simple adjustment with our grinder.

Step 6: Talk to us!
Keep us informed about your progress, any concerns, or changes in comfort. We can offer valuable guidance.  We can adjust the orthotics to ensure that your orthotics continue providing the best support for your feet.

Step 7: Maintenance and Follow-up
Once you've successfully broken in your custom-molded orthotics, it's important to maintain their condition. Wear and tear is to be expected.   If the top cover is ripped or torn we can recover it. Additionally, schedule periodic follow-up appointments with us to address any concerns or new foot pain.

Breaking in a new pair of custom-molded orthotics requires patience, gradual adaptation, and communication with your podiatrist. Following the steps outlined in this guide will help ensure a smooth transition and maximize the benefits of your orthotics. Remember, proper footwear, gradual wear, and monitoring for comfort are essential for a successful break-in process. Enjoy the improved support and comfort your custom-molded orthotics provide, and take proactive steps to maintain your foot health.

Do you have foot pain?  You may benefit from custom-molded orthotics. Call us at 207-774-0028 today to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.