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A Podiatrist's Guide to Quieting Squeaky Orthotics

Orthotics can and should be comfortable and quiet.  No one should know that you are wearing them.  If you are embarrassed by your noisy orthotics we have some solutions.

Identify the Culprit

The first step in conquering the squeak is to locate its origin. Is it the orthotic against your shoe or the orthotic within the shoe? Pinpointing the source is essential for a precise remedy.  Most often the orthotic is rubbing against the heel counter.

Powder Power

Tackle moisture and friction with a sprinkle of Zeasorb powder or cornstarch on your orthotics. The powder absorbs dampness and minimizes friction, providing a quietude that your feet will appreciate. Remember to dust off any excess powder for a clean finish.


If your orthotics are doing the cha-cha within your shoes, consider adding a thin piece of moleskin to the entire length of the orthotic. This extra layer not only prevents movement but also minimizes squeaks. It's a double dose of support for your feet's comfort.

Lubricate and Liberate

Give your orthotics a treat with a small amount of silicone-based lubricant or even a touch of WD-40 at the contact points. This lubrication eliminates friction and the accompanying squeaks. Wipe off any excess for a sleek and silent solution.

Dryer Sheet

For our crafty foot enthusiasts, a dryer shee strategically placed on the bottom of your orthotic can work wonders. This DIY fix creates a barrier, putting an end to squeaks in a creative and effective way.

Reevaluate Your Shoes

Sometimes, the issue isn't with the orthotic but with the shoes it calls home. Ensure your footwear is clean, dry, and in good condition. A change of shoes might be the missing piece in the puzzle to ensure your orthotics are singing a sweet lullaby.

Remember, happy feet lead to a happy life! If the squeak persists give us a call.  We have additional ways to adjust the orthotic in the office!