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A Step Towards Safety: The Role of Quality Footwear in Falls Prevention for Older Individuals

A Step Towards Safety: The Role of Quality Footwear in Falls Prevention for Older Individuals

Discover the crucial role of quality footwear in preventing falls for older individuals. Stability, proper fit, slip resistance, cushioning, and ankle support are key. Schedule a podiatry appointment for personalized advice. Call 207-774-0028.

Navigating the Night: Understanding and Alleviating Neuropathy Discomfort for a Restful Sleep

Navigating the Night: Understanding and Alleviating Neuropathy Discomfort for a Restful Sleep

Uncover why neuropathy worsens at night and explore strategies for a restful sleep. Elevate, create an optimal sleep environment, and consider professional intervention for relief.

Toenail Troubles: How Diabetes Increases Susceptibility to Fungal Infections

Toenail Troubles: How Diabetes Increases Susceptibility to Fungal Infections

Diabetes is a complex chronic condition that affects various aspects of an individual's health, including the feet. One common issue that people with diabetes often face is a higher susceptibility to fungal nail infections, medically known as onychomycosis. Fungal infections in the nails cannot only be painful and unsightly but can potentially lead to more severe foot complications if left untreated. Read on why diabetics are more prone to fungal nail infections and what treatment options are available.

Infected Ingrown Toenails and Diabetes: A Call for Immediate Attention and Care

Infected Ingrown Toenails and Diabetes: A Call for Immediate Attention and Care

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires meticulous care and attention, especially when it comes to foot health. Individuals with diabetes are more prone to foot complications due to reduced blood circulation and nerve damage. One such common foot issue is an ingrown toenail, which can lead to infections and potentially serious consequences like amputation if left untreated. Find out why it is critically important to seek prompt treatment for an infected ingrown toenail, especially for those with diabetes.

Why do I have pins and needles sensation in my feet?

Why do I have pins and needles sensation in my feet?

Do you experience pins and needles or sharp shooting pains in your toes or feet? Are the sensations worse at night? Has your balance gotten worse? You may be experiencing peripheral neuropathy, a nerve problem far away from your spinal cord.

Do Your Burning Feet Keep You from Falling Asleep?

Do Your Burning Feet Keep You from Falling Asleep?

The first question I ask patients when they come to me with diabetic peripheral neuropathy is “Do you have trouble falling asleep due to your feet?”

New to Neurogenx? What you need to know now about treating neuropathy

Neurogenx is a state-of-the-art electro-medical treatment tool that relieves neuropathy symptoms and pain with high-frequency electronic waves. Clinical studies have shown patients have enjoyed an 87% reduction of symptoms!