Posterior night splints ease plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis by keeping the foot stretched, reducing morning pain, and improving flexibility over time.
Is Your Heel Pain Coming From Your Back or Your Foot? Understanding the Connection Between Back Pain, Herniated Discs, Spinal Stenosis, and Plantar Fasciitis
7 Effective Home Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis
Understanding Sever's Disease in Children and Treatment Options
Beyond Plantar Fasciitis: Other Conditions That Can Cause Plantar Heel Pain
Heel pain isn’t always due to plantar fasciitis. Discover other potential causes like bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, Sever’s disease, Achilles tendinitis, fat pad atrophy, stress fractures, and plantar fascial rupture. Learn about symptoms, treatments, and when to seek professional help. Contact Lighthouse Foot and Ankle Center in Scarborough, Maine for comprehensive care and personalized treatment. Schedule your appointment today!
Why Your Heel Hurts First Thing in the Morning Getting out of Bed
Experiencing sharp heel pain first thing in the morning? Learn about plantar fasciitis and its causes, including nighttime tightening and microtears. Discover effective treatments like stretching exercises, ice therapy, proper footwear, and night splints. For persistent pain, consult Lighthouse Foot and Ankle Center in Scarborough, Maine, for advanced options. Schedule an appointment today to find relief and get back on your feet!
Stepping into Relief: How Kinesio Tape Can Aid in Treating Heel Pain
Understanding the Difference: Plantar Fasciitis vs. Plantar Fascial Tear
Overcoming Plantar Fasciitis: A Runner's Guide to Treatment and Recovery
Ready for Vacation? Treat Your Heel Pain Before You Go!
Soleful Struggles: Managing Heel Pain in Individuals Living with Diabetes
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Having diabetes along with heel pain can be challenging to treat. Heel pain, which can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. Heel pain in diabetics can stem from various causes, and understanding these factors is crucial for effective management and relief.
Heel Pain and Running: How to Prevent and Treat It
Running is a great way to stay in shape and improve overall health, but it can also lead to heel pain also known as plantar fasciitis. If you're a runner who is experiencing heel pain, you're not alone. Don't worry, there are ways to alleviate your heel pain and get you back on track. In this blog post, we'll provide you with some tips and tricks for preventing and treating heel pain so you can get back to running pain-free.
New to Neurogenx? What you need to know now about treating neuropathy
Neurogenx is a state-of-the-art electro-medical treatment tool that relieves neuropathy symptoms and pain with high-frequency electronic waves. Clinical studies have shown patients have enjoyed an 87% reduction of symptoms!
It’s National Nutrition Month!—Learn about diet, inflammation, and foot health
Foot Pain: Is it Your Achilles' Heel?
Are Heel Spurs Related to Plantar Fasciitis?
A heel spur can be the cause of your heel pain. A heel spur is a calcium deposit that grows slowly as a small bony protrusion on the bottom of the heel bone.
Consider Your Arch Type When Shoe Shopping
Eat More Fruits and Veggies for Foot Health
Wearing Flip-Flops Too Much? You May Get an Overuse Injury
Crazy about Trendy Spring Shoes? – Avoid Floss Heels
If you follow shoe trends – or maybe that special lady in your life does – you probably have heard of the new floss heels. A floss heel – named for the dental product because their straps are so wispy – has virtually no supportive structure for the foot, even with a thin ankle strap. The heel is flimsy and, at 2 ½ inches, is a little too high for daily wear.