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Foot Health

Unveiling the Smoke Trail: The Impact of Smoking on Your Feet According to a Podiatrist

Unveiling the Smoke Trail: The Impact of Smoking on Your Feet According to a Podiatrist

Explore the intricate ways smoking affects foot health. From circulation issues to increased infection risks, uncover the impact and discover why quitting is crucial for healthier feet.

Infected Ingrown Toenails and Diabetes: A Call for Immediate Attention and Care

Infected Ingrown Toenails and Diabetes: A Call for Immediate Attention and Care

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires meticulous care and attention, especially when it comes to foot health. Individuals with diabetes are more prone to foot complications due to reduced blood circulation and nerve damage. One such common foot issue is an ingrown toenail, which can lead to infections and potentially serious consequences like amputation if left untreated. Find out why it is critically important to seek prompt treatment for an infected ingrown toenail, especially for those with diabetes.