Learn about pseudogout, a form of arthritis caused by calcium pyrophosphate crystals, its symptoms, and how it affects the feet. Discover treatment options and prevention tips.
Understanding Sever's Disease in Children and Treatment Options
Beyond Plantar Fasciitis: Other Conditions That Can Cause Plantar Heel Pain
Heel pain isn’t always due to plantar fasciitis. Discover other potential causes like bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, Sever’s disease, Achilles tendinitis, fat pad atrophy, stress fractures, and plantar fascial rupture. Learn about symptoms, treatments, and when to seek professional help. Contact Lighthouse Foot and Ankle Center in Scarborough, Maine for comprehensive care and personalized treatment. Schedule your appointment today!
From Pain to Relief: The Science Behind Laser Therapy for Feet and Ankles
Why Your Heel Hurts First Thing in the Morning Getting out of Bed
Experiencing sharp heel pain first thing in the morning? Learn about plantar fasciitis and its causes, including nighttime tightening and microtears. Discover effective treatments like stretching exercises, ice therapy, proper footwear, and night splints. For persistent pain, consult Lighthouse Foot and Ankle Center in Scarborough, Maine, for advanced options. Schedule an appointment today to find relief and get back on your feet!